Servant Material or Show-off Material?

>> Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Your primary ministry should be in the area of your shape, but your secondary service is wherever you're needed at the moment."

"If you only serve when it's convenient for you, you're not a real servant. Real servants do what's needed, even when it's inconvenient."

" If you will remind yourself at the start of every day that you are God's servant, interruptions won't frustrate you as much, because your agenda will be whatever God wants to bring into your life. Servants see interruptions as divine appointments for ministry and are happy for the opportunity to practice serving."
- Adapted from The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren -

Strong words for the day. Have been facing some situation recently and as I read these words today I was really convicted by them. It was as if the writer knew what I was thinking and sort of confronted me. All these years I never really have any problems in serving. In fact, most of the time I go all out to serve. But recently, there has been a little struggle.

What happened? God decided to change? Or did I changed? Yeap, we all know, definitely it can't be God. So much has been going on that sometimes that we get drowned by all the crapiness around us and we just loose the light for a moment. Why then should I be discouraged or demotivated by those crap? Who am I serving in the end? Yeap, I'm doing all this for Him, not anyone or anything else.

I guess God caught me at the right time to remind me of how passionate I used to be. Never too tired, discouraged or distracted to serve Him fully. I just have to purpose my heart to the right path again. Nope, I'm don't want to be some cheap show-off material because I'm made of Jesus' servant material.


>> Friday, October 05, 2007

Finally it's out! Truly couldn't have done it if not for His inspiration! If you want a copy you can either download it from or let me know! Do sign up! Believe its gonna be a great and awesome camp! The speakers itself is already happening enough not to miss. See you in Taiping on December! :)

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