INFLUENCE Conference by the "Influencers!"

>> Thursday, March 29, 2007

Just got back from a gathering in Glad Tidings, PJ. It was a gathering for the INFLUENCE Conference committee and also some other young adults from a few different churches. I was somehow pulled into the gathering because I was working on the design for the conference itself. Went there alone without knowing what to expect but glad I did.

It was kind of weird for me at first as I walked into the place alone, not knowing most of the people there. The weirdness soon went away as I was introduced to a few of the early comers there. Dinner was provided but I choose not to eat, feeling quite full from my lunch. So, I decided to spend the time knowing new people. Spent most of my time talking to this girl, Sarah. Found out that she was just starting work next week. Cool, I thought I will be the youngest and the only one that has just started working there, but yea, there were a few others there who are still in their final year of studies. Not that awkward after all. Haha..Saw people like Prakash and also Sazea there too, people who I already knew some time ago.

After the dinner, we adjourned to a small meeting room where a guy named Raymond lead worship. I heard it was kind of an in-prompt-to thing for him but he lead worship well. In fact, we actually enjoyed ourselves in God's presence. Just like me, most of the people tonight came right after their work. Some have come from far and some have just rushed from their office for this gathering. What's encouraging is this...Raymond lead us all into a great time of worship and everyone in that room really worshiped and praised God regardless of what they have been through the whole day. From worship, we continued to prayer and God's presence was there. I can say that we spend most the time worshipping and praying rather then just planning. Though we are of different churches, everyone worshipped and prayed like they were from one church. This is one of my first time in a meeting where people worshipped and prayed like that. New experience for me :)

After all the worship and prayer, Sue (the person who called for the gathering) just gave us a short brief on the updates of the conference and with that we ended the meeting with a prayer. I've also met this girl, Karen. She was sitting beside me all the while we were in the room. Found out she was from GTPJ, but it was her first time attending this gathering. It seems that she was quite new to all the YAM stuff as she was not sure who Ps, Clement Wong was and all. But anyway, was kind of glad to know her. I have always been the "not-so-open" one, but Karen seems to be the opposite. She was talking to me like she already knew me from before, so I took the opportunity to get to know her too.

Overall, it was a good gathering for me personally. I was very encouraging to see many others who is also working in the office like myself being still be so passionate for God. I guess the people tonight had really given the INFLUENCE Conference its definition. Interesting eh? A conference that I believe will be great because it is being put into the hands of those who are really living its meaning!

So yea, find out what it really means to be like these people? This itself is already a good advertisement for INFLUENCE Conference. So, if you’re a fresh graduate, in your final year or a working young adult, come join us for the conference and find out what it really means to be an "Influencer…”

INFLUENCE Conference...Ask me for the forms, will be out soon. Don't miss it!


The "Encourager's" Role

>> Saturday, March 03, 2007

"i'm very busy," "No, I'm busier," "No, No, I have this and that to do. I am the busiest!"

It never ends does it? Yeap, everyone has their own responsible and share of busy life. No one escapes the word "busy." Whether you're a millionaire or a small kid, somehow you'll still have a certain responsiblity to fulfill.

Today, we have decided to pray on the topic of 'encouragement' for our GRYP Pre-Service Prayer. It was a suggestion from Toefl simply because he felt that we should remember to encourage one another especially when we are all serving together and are our brother's and sister's keepers. As the different ones started praying, a thought just came to me. I just thought how sometimes we can be so caught up in comparing how busy we were and forgot that we were suppose to encourage other in our busy times.

Somehow, I was convicted to pray for the group about that. That we would not be too hooked-up trying to win the "who is busier race" and instead continue to encourage each other to move forward even in that busy times. Not to pushed responsiblities away and in the same time being understanding to each other. We should not condemn those who are busy and start saying things about them if they are unable to serve more. Instead we should find out whether if they are really struggling or if they need help in whatever they are into. As brothers and sisters, God didn't put us there to discourage them, but encourage them to go on.

That itself puts me into a new perspective when I look at people who are busy now. Sometimes, its not that they don't want to do more but they just can't and they need we the 'encourager' to help them to move on...


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