Challenge for the Week

>> Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hit one of the low points of my life this weekend. It all started with this... "You can see the labour when it bears it's fruits. But there is no fruits to be seen." A totally 'ouch' moment for me. I was totally discouraged by that statement though it might not have been pointed straight at me. But somehow it just felt painful to know even the very few who you think were supposed to be with you are actually not really with you.

The thought just did not go away and I spent the next day just thinking, what else I could do to make things better. Every time I come close to losing it, I will recall the words, "It is not what I can do, but what Christ can do through me." It's not about me, but Jesus. And so, I kept asking, "How & what Lord?"
Sunday came. To step into church, that was bad enough for me. But more important stuff got me going anyway. Then the sermon started : "Crucify the Flesh." The pastor talked about crucifying the 'old man', and letting the 'new man' take over. Then he shared on John 12:24:
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls tot he ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
He says that when we crucify the flesh, we will bear much fruits. God was telling me the answer. Crucify my flesh, start doing things for Him even if it means stepping into the uncomfortable zone! If I am willing to do so, I will see much fruits.
Then came the evening service at FCCPH, pastor shared about "Aligning Our Motivations." It's funny how it all come together with the morning sermon. First it was getting out from my comfort zone, and now it was about my motivation. He made a statement; "Quit worrying about everyone else and just follow Jesus - our focus and motivation."
I has been hard for me to practice certain things as a leader and maybe that's why I was never a very good one. But now, God is challenging me through this weekend to step out and do all those 'uncomfortable' things for His name sake. It was a humbling experience and also a learning curve for me. Guess I needed it. He really has His way of teaching His servant.
Now the challenge is this...Would I be able to carry out what I just learnt this week? The spirit is willing but the body is not...Oh Lord, help me to do what I need to do...

Unilever Global Hair @ Penang

>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just got back from Penang 2 weeks ago. Was there for 5D 4N trip for work. Had to setup for part of the Unilever Global Hair event. It was a very last minute job but we were very happy with it cause we actually managed to produce quite a good job over a weekend. Here are some photos of the setup that we did...

We converted a small meeting room at Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Hotel & Spa into a mini, modern salon. Oh ya, did I mentioned that the client was from UK & the job was only confirmed 3 days before the setup was done?
And of course, once it was setup, it became the talk of the whole event. You see, there were other rooms that was being converted into something else too, but apparently, ours was one of the eye catching ones. It was fun seeing people walking all the way to take photos and talk about our setup. You can imagine my boss' face :P

Hard work but I guess it paid off :) Oh yes, not forgetting my 'lil "souvenirs" that I got from the event too...

Unilever's professional salon range: TIGI
Cool packaging, huh?

'Annyeong haseyo" by Han Woo Ri

>> Saturday, February 20, 2010

Decided it's Korean for the evening. Went to Han Woo Ri Korean BBQ @ Taipan USJ. Here are some sample of the food we ordered....and again, as we were in a hurry to eat, sorry for the 'not so pro' shots :p

BBQ Marinated Pork Ribs - very nicely done, tender and taste great!

One of the Korean signature rice dish in hot bowl (sorry forgot the name)
It comes with raw egg and veggies & some other stuff. Here's how it looks like before they mixed it...
Tasted really yummy! :)

and the rest of the side dishes for the evening...

...which was also was pretty yummy and healthy too!
Oh ya, did I mentioned that and we got also an additional complimentary dish & 10% discount too? *wink* :P
Should make my way there sometime soon again :)

A Slice of Heaven

>> Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Last Wednesday with Tabs...

Chocolate Durian & Death By Chocolate

Imagine: durian flesh covered in rich chocolate

One of the best way to be sentenced to eternity? :P

* Sorry for the lousy pic quality. Guess we were in a hurry to taste heaven :P

What almost got me into trouble...

Gift from a friend who just came back from Melbourne :P

So, I guess this is it?

Feeling really lousy now. Don't know whether I'm supposed to feel relieved, happy, sad or just numb. Keep asking myself if I knew what I had just done. God, is this where you are leading to? Last few months had been a lot of crying, laughing, praying and thinking....and finally this.

So, I guess this is it? Is this the end?...or it's just a start to another new phase?

If you're my friend, you will listen...

>> Friday, January 29, 2010

Interesting approach...

"...most conversation between people of various religions is an intellectual debate about why my religion is right and yours is wrong. It starts from a head perspective - which is critical. But this starts from a relational perspective. If your mind is already made up about your religion and someone bashes it or disagrees with you - you're not listening. If you're my friend - you will listen..."

Christian, Jew and Muslim "Trialogue" by Ed Stetzer.

Last week's feast at Frames, TTDI Plaza

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ok, once in a while, random food post for the eyes. Guess you will get these posts occasionally if I managed to snap a pic before I feast on them...or should i say devour? :P Muahahaha...enjoy!

"David & Goliath"

The people who ate them, didn't quite match the size though. "Goliath" was Tab's and "David" was Iggy's. Tab amazingly finished the whole meal after a long time. And yes, did I mentioned that the "Goliath" meal comes with 500g of fries? That meal probably weighs 2kg in total!

And this is mine...

Grilled Salmon topped with butter sauce, plenty of sauteed vegetables & great potatoes too!

Definitely look super healthy if compared to the other two :P That huge block of salmon was yummy, crispy outside and juicy inside. It was so huge that I almost had a hard time trying to finish it.

If you are's not a really cheap meal. But considering the serving size, guess it's reasonable.

I ate the bread and drank from the cup...

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

Just got back from Toefl's 23rd belated birthday dinner at TJ Haus. I'm totally zonked out today for some reason. Probably due to the long weekend. Must find a way to go through my weekend feeling less tired. This is gonna be my weekends for quite some time, I better get tuned up for it :)

Had communion again at FCC PH service yesterday. In FCC PH, we partake communion every Sunday, unlike the once a month communion in HPA. As I was preparing myself to partake the communion yesterday, somehow a thought just came by. I felt like God was saying to me, "Jenn, remember my grace and love for you? Now, be renew in it as you do this every week!" It's like "Hello, please remember again this week have committed your life to me & My love is still with you!"

With that thought, I prayed & thanked Him, with tears in my eyes...I ate the bread and drank from the cup...

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